Currently the formula for running the Bicton Junior Cricket Club is “L (x) action = M” (or “Less Doing More”). Our immediate goal is to reverse this formula to “M (x) action = L” (or “More Doing Less”).
We are a very successful, well run, and well provisioned junior cricket club. Our ongoing (and past) success stems from a dedicated committee, amazing volunteer coaches and team managers, and all the parents who put the time and effort into supporting their kids playing and enjoying cricket (and of course our brilliant junior cricketers.)
So what do we need to keep this well-oiled machine continuing to fire on all cylinders?
What we need is… You…
Committee/Volunteer Roles: (Quick Links)
General Help | President | Secretary | Treasurer | Registrar | Vice President | Coaches’ Co-ordinator | Clothing Co-ordinator | Equipment Manager | IT Co-ordinator | Child Safety Officer | Junior Blasters Coordinator | Master Blasters Coordinator
All of the current BJCC Committee members completely understand and respect that sometimes the time commitment necessary to take on a volunteer role can sometimes be too great. However the truth is that for most roles, the commitment needed is far less than what you would expect.
Actually, to expand on this, the committee is moving toward the direction of separating the larger roles into several smaller sub-roles. Spreading-the-load as it were…
And to make the time-commitment even less of an issue, we are aiming to have volunteers choose smaller, more micro-level tasks. For example, part roles in one-day events such as the BJCC Community Day, either overseeing the running of the event, or cooking the sausages, or organising activities for the kids, etc.
Below you will find some of the duties involved in the various committee roles, and also examples of some smaller (but very important) roles/tasks that may be of interest.
One last thing. If you can think of any area of help you can provide (listed or not), we as a committee would be extremely happy and honored for whatever you can bring to the table. Please put your hand up by completing the form at the bottom of the page.
So the question remains… Can you help?
General Help
Event Co-ordinator – we do not have many events and they are not complicated. Could you co-ordinate an event for the club? #itsnottheoscars
Community Day Event volunteer – team members to put together the Community Day/Season Startup. BBQs/notices/coffee van etc…get the kids running around, mums buying uniforms, coaches picking up kit, teams all meeting each other… happy exciting times
Windup Event volunteer – have the season to be part of a team to organise the windup function. BBQs , Trophies and awards, setup etc…
Volunteer Thank You Evening – getting the drinks, sourcing the food, setting up the clubhouse… an easy going event – last year there were about 40 people…
Grants Hunter – we get numerous opportunities to apply for grants… have you got some spare time to fill in the paperwork and win some money/equipment for our club??
Marketing – can you assist in designing/making posters. Could you help put together Facebook and website content to raise profile of the club?? Connect us to the community.
MyCricket Helpdesk – help get the teams into MyCricket and be the point of contact when managers are struggling with getting the results etc.
Equipment Team – be a member of a team that helps the Equipment manager get all the kit ready for the season and be there at the end to help put it away!
Sponsorship Hunter – have you experience with sourcing sponsors? Great – we do not! Be part of a team that is trying to put together a sponsorship plan to get the club much needed sponsorship and provide value to the sponsor!
Communicator – a volunteer to man the emails for the Master Blaster and Junior Blaster competitions. Keep everyone informed and up to date with messages from the co-ordinators… sounds busy but involves 10 or so emails in the season and time spent collating responses for the co-oridnator (who wants to play at the WACA?? …someone needs to put them into teams and let them know where and when to go..)
So all easy roles that do not take up much time and will make a massive contribution to the running of the club!!
Summary of Role
The role of President is divided up into two main areas; “core” roles that are focussed on the committee and “edge” roles that are focussed on the direction of the club.
Core - work closely with committee members, encouraging them in their roles and helping them when needed.
Edge - have an eye on the future, looking for areas of improvement and direction.
The role of President is best suited to a person who has been part of the BJCC Committee and is familiar with how the Club is run and the roles within it. Ideally the president is well connected and familiar with the personnel that make up the Metropolitan Junior Cricket Committee (MJCC) and the West Australian Cricket Association (WA Cricket). The workload is constant throughout the season.
The President should be a positive image for the club, both within the committee and in external forums.
Key Responsibilities
- Attend and mc BJCC social functions and assist MJCC functions if requested
- Write President’s Report for AGM
- Ensure adherence to Club’s Constitution, rules and meeting protocol
- The ‘go to’ person for BJCC when official complaints have been made against people from BJCC through the MJCC or WA Cricket
- To be seen at every team’s game at the club at least once throughout the season.
- Form strong relationship with Vice President, Coaches Co-ordinator, MJCC delegate and Registrar
- Regularly contact committee members to check how they are tracking and offer help as required
- Look for, encourage and equip committee members to look for potential new committee members
- Attend MJCC and BJCC Coaches’ sessions
- Attend WA Cricket and MJCC functions
- Make BJCC nominations for and attend the WA Cricket/MJCC Volunteers Award Presentation (January annually)
- Operate president@bictonjcc.com.au and answer all queries in timely manner
- Assist registrar to develop teams and organise training times and locations for each team.
Key Attributes
- Able to lead and chair meetings
- Competent public speaker
- Attentive listener
- Forward-thinking
- Committed
Summary of Role
Provide administrative support to BJCC and its Committee and ensure Club adheres to its Constitution. This role has a steady workload throughout the year, and can easily be chopped up and shared amongst two or three individuals.
Key Responsibilities
- Operate the admin@bictonjcc.com.au inbox, ensuring all enquiries are either passed to correct Committee person or answered in a timely manner
- Communicate the agenda for BJCC Monthly Committee Meetings and AGM in consultation with the President
- Make arrangements including venue, date and times for club meetings and social functions
- Send adequate notice of the meetings to those required to attend
- Collect and collate reports from Committee Members
- Keep register of Members, Committee Members and Executive Members as per Constitution requirements
- Call for and receive nominations for committee at AGM
- Take the minutes of AGM, Special and Committee Meetings, write the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting and send to all Committee Members
- Keep copy of BJCC Constitution and Incorporation details and ensure Constitution is adhered to
- Kidsport – keep Club details up to date and activate vouchers as required
- Organise engraving of BJCC Presentation Boards in Club Room
- Respond to general duties as directed by the club/committee
- Organise Season Wind-ups (venue, catering, medals, trophies, vouchers)
- Arrange gifts for Life Members
- Ensure Insurance is current and valid
- Submit Ground Applications and be key contact for City of Melville/Fremantle
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
Key Attributes
- Good communication skills
- Good organisational skills
Summary of Role
Coordinates and reports on all financial aspects of Club. The workload in this role is steady throughout the year.
Key Responsibilities
- Ensure that adequate accounts and records exist regarding the BJCC’s financial transactions, including accurate and up-to-date records of all income and expenditure;
- Coordinate the preparation of a budget and monitor it carefully;
- Issue receipts if required and promptly deposit any cash received in BJCC’s bank account;
- Make all approved online payments and invoice groups/members promptly;
- Act as the signatory to the BJCC’s bank account (with at least one other management committee member);
- Member of BJCC Executive Committee
- Manage the BJCC’s cash flow;
- Prepare and present regular financial statements to the committee at meetings;
- Negotiate with banks for overdraft facilities, mortgages and other loan facilities where required by the committee;
- Prepare financial accounts for an annual audit if required and provide the auditor with information; and
- Prepare an annual financial report for BJCC AGM
- Operate treasurer@bictonjcc.com.au and answer any queries in timely manner
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
Key Attributes
- Understanding of budgets
- Good organisational skills
Summary of Role
The Registrar manages all enquiries regarding registration and all registrations of players for each season. They are co-responsible with the President for forming all Junior teams. The workload for this position is heavy during the two months leading up to the beginning of the season (mid to end October) and light during the rest of the year.
Key Responsibilities
- Responsible for the registration of the Cricket Blast and Junior program
- Monitors registrar@bictonjcc.com.au inbox and responds to all queries for Cricket Blast and Junior program in a timely manner
- Member of BJCC Executive Committee
- Assists with seeking volunteers for Coach and Team Manager
- Assists with player allocation to the teams and preparation of team lists
- Communicates with Coaches and Team Manager regarding team lists and guidance on the use of PlayHQ
- Administrator Role in PlayHQ and responsible for PlayHQ data entry and report generation
- Assists teams if and when they need additional players or fill-ins
- Prepares and deliver Registrar report for committee meetings
- Attends BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assists other committee members where required
Key Attributes
- Organisational skills
- Great communication skills
- Ability to generate reports
- Competency in use of PlayHQ
Vice President
Summary of Role
This is an ideal role for a person either to learn about the Bicton Junior Cricket Club with a view of taking on role of President in the future or a person may have been involved on the committee for a number of years and is bowing out, but can pass on knowledge to new committee members.
Key Responsibilities
- Provide support to all roles within the committee in particular:-
- President – attend club, association and WA Cricket meetings/functions when
President is unavailable
- Registrar- assist with team selections prior to season commencing
- Coaches Co-ordinator – assisting with team selection and coach training events
- Treasurer- endorsing on line banking payments - Actively participate in BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
- Work closely with BJCC President to ensure smooth functioning of Club
- In the absence of the President, the Vice President steps in to oversee club operations
- Complete tasks delegated by the President - these tasks may include administrative
- Operate vice_president@bictonjcc.com.au and answer any queries in a timely manner
Key Attributes
- Knowledge of cricket
- Good communication skills
- Forward thinking
- Good time management
- Adaptable
Coaches’ Co-ordinator
Summary of Role
Role sources coaches and then provides assistance and encouragement throughout the year. Role would be ideal for someone who has already been a coach at BJCC and has an interest in promoting community cricket. The workload for this role is constant throughout the season
Key Responsibilities
- Finds Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Managers for upcoming season
- Ensures Coaches and Managers understand the role requirements and ethics of BJCC
- Assists Registrar with player allocation into teams taking into account parent requests and ensuring competitive teams
- Communicates with coaches to ensure attendance at SWMJCC Coaches evening prior to start of season.
- Allocates training grounds and times, allow for Girls teams to train at Troy Park with allocations starting from oldest age groups to youngest age group
- Provides information on Metro Junior Cricket Council (MJCC)/ WA Cricket/BJCC policies and
procedures with regard to Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Players and Parents so that coaches can ensure players and parents in their team follow the Codes - Shares information received from Metro Junior Cricket Council (MJCC)/ WA Cricket/BJCC with coaches
- Ensures all coaches complete Community Level 1 Coaching Course and provides info on any further training/workshops on offer
- Arranges BJCC coaching sessions or workshops for various age groups
- Provides assistance to coaches particularly if they have any issues with players, parents, opposition or MJCC/WA Cricket as required
- Coordinates training sessions as part of players’ development including players with suspect actions or techniques
- Attends as many Teams training sessions as possible during season to offer some Coaching help (drills or technical assistance)
- Attend as many games as possible to monitor behaviour of BJCC coaches and managers and ensures all members follow Codes of Conduct
- Advises Coaches of upcoming District Club trials
- Assists players transitioning to Senior Cricket
- Operates coaches_coordinator@bictonjcc.com.au and answers queries in timely manner
- Attends BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
Key Attributes
- Ability to identify potential Coaches in BJCC community
- Understanding of role of Coach.
- Good communication skills.
- Ability to encourage and assist others.
Clothing Co-ordinator
Summary of Role
This role is responsible for ordering, stocking, selling and receipting all player and coaches shirts, training shirts, hats and special caps. The busiest time is the month prior to season start with a lighter workload throughout the rest of the year.
Key Responsibilities
- Monitoring of clothing@bictonjcc.com.au inbox and answering all queries
- Ordering of Players shirts, Coaches Shirts, Training shirts, Hats and special caps
- Organising embroidery of training shirts, hats and caps
- Organising of premiership caps and “50” game caps when requested
- Storage of shirts, hats, caps
- Receipting all goods and liaising with Treasurer to ensure invoices paid and monies received into Bank
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
Key Attributes
- Good organisational skills.
Equipment Manager
Summary of Role
The Equipment Manager is responsible for ensuring that all teams from U10 to U18 have all the necessary equipment for training and games. This includes the kits, cricket gear, training aids, practice and match balls, gazebos, scoring tables and manager kits (including first aid kits and score book). The Equipment Manager also needs to arrange collection of the equipment at the start of the season and retrieval of equipment at end of season for storage.
The primary effort is required before the season starts. This includes sorting through the kits, obtaining quotes from local cricket stores, purchasing equipment from various stores and arranging collection times for all team coaches and managers before the season. Equipment is stored in the shipping container next to the training nets at Troy Park in the off season.
The busiest time of this role is the four weeks leading into the start of each season. The club has generally around 25-30 teams playing in any one season from U10 to U18. The storage, restocking and distribution of kits and equipment is a significant undertaking.
During the season the equipment manager will also be required to source new equipment for teams
who need replacement equipment as required.
Key Responsibilities
- Provide good quality equipment to all teams whilst maintaining equipment costs as low as possible for our members.
- Work closely with the Coaches Coordinator and Registrar
- Procure all cricketing, training and sundry equipment, from various cricket and sports shops and various retail outlets around Perth
- Label all new equipment with club name/initials
- Collect and store kits at the end of the season
- Assess equipment at season end for community and charity donations.
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
- Maintain a record of all club equipment in order to minimise equipment losses
- Operate equipment@bictonjcc.com.au ensuring all enquiries are answered promptly
Key Attributes
- Organisational skills.
- Basic cricket coaching and playing knowledge.
- Adequate sized car and some home storage space preferred for various items.
IT Coordinator
Summary of Role
Maintain BJCC website and BJCC mobile app, including updating when required, posting with current and/or relevant information, and keeping social media channels fresh with relevant content. This role has a constant workload throughout the season.
Key Responsibilities
- Ensure website is updated with the following:
– Online registration details
– Registration Day / Come and Try It Day
– Season wind up dates and details
– Committee contact details
– Team news through the season
– Premiership winning results (if any) at the end of the season - Liaise with Website Host Company (currently A2 Hosting) if required
- For website and mobile app - Update various plugins and core WordPress versions when required (nothing too technical, generally log-in and simple push-button processes)
- Access cPanel (backend admin) for websites as required. Mostly will be for the purpose of email management (adjusting quotas, deleting un-used email addresses, adding new email addresses if needed)
- Maintain ‘Help’ videos which have been created for most of the various functions of this role
- Maintain BJCC Lastpass account (password management for the various online properties of BJCC)
- Operate it@bictonjcc.com.au and ensure any queries answered in timely manner
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required
Key Attributes
- Interest in IT and/or design
- Some knowledge of WordPress
Child Safety Officer
Summary of Role
Provide support and information to Club Members, Volunteers, Government and Sporting Bodies
and members of the public on the Club’s approach to ensuring the safety of junior members within
BJCC. This role could easily be combined with one of the other roles in the Club. The busiest period
is just in the run up to the season and the very beginning of the season.
Key Responsibilities
- Ensure that BJCC’s Member Protection Policy remains current, valid and available on the BJCC website
- Maintain current register of active volunteers, noting where a Working With Children check is required
- Ensuring all volunteers that need to have a valid Working With Children check are provided with appropriate form and that their card details are held on record and sighted (ideally with copy held)
- Act as point of contact for anyone enquiring about BJCC’s approach to Child Safety
Key Attributes
- Good communication skills
- Good organisational skills
Junior Blasters Coordinator
Summary of Role
The Junior Blasters Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the success of the Junior Blasters Cricket program within Bicton Junior Cricket Club.
Key Responsibilities
- Answer all queries in respect of Junior Blasters.
- Determine the number of teams for Junior Blasters.
- Prepare team lists for Junior Blasters.
- Source a manager for each Junior Blasters team.
- Order the Junior Blasters packs.
- Make up the Junior Blasters packs.
- Co-ordinate the club engagement session with assistance of the committee and parents.
- Attend all Junior Blasters sessions.
- Liaise with the managers on a weekly basis.
- Look after all communication with the Junior Blasters participants.
- Facilitate opportunities with the WACA for Junior Blasters.
- Assist with the end of year windup.
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required.
Key Attributes
- Organisational skills
- Good communication skills
Master Blasters Coordinator
Summary of Role
The Master Blasters Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the success of the Master Blasters Cricket program within Bicton Junior Cricket Club.
Key Responsibilities
- Answer all queries in respect of Master Blasters.
- Determine the number of teams.
- Prepare team lists and fixtures.
- Source a manager for each Master Blasters team.
- Co-ordinate the club engagement session with assistance of the committee and parents.
- Attend all Master Blaster sessions.
- Liaise with the managers on a weekly basis.
- Look after all communication with the Master Blasters participants.
- Facilitate opportunities with the WACA for Master Blasters.
- Assist with the end of year windup.
- Attend BJCC Social functions, Committee Meetings and assist other committee members where required.
Key Attributes
- Organisational skills
- Good communication skills